I am not even going to post my October activity calendar...wanna know why? I only exercised 3 times! I have been super lame in the exercise department, as well as in the eating department. Luckily, a new month is here and there are new goals that need to be set (and met)! I am working on an exercise calendar to plan the month of November. If the calendar says exercise, then I exercise. I know I need to make a schedule if I am going to stick with it. I don't pay for a gym membership for nothing! November can only be better than October...I mean, come on, only 3 times! Argh!
Luckily my weight has not sky-rocketed as I had expected it to. I am not even going to question this phenomenon, or try to come up with reasons why. I am just going to thank my lucky stars and get to working out! So, next month expect to see my November activity calendar full of exercise!