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Friday, December 23, 2011

The best (or not) laid plans...

Coming up to the end of 2011, I decided to look back at my 2011 goals and see if I accomplished any of them in 2011. I decided last year to call them goals instead of resolutions because my resolutions usually last for about a month and then *poof* they are gone! Goals seemed like a better word with less stigma attached. Here they are in all of their goal did I do?

Goals for 2011
1. Eat less what does this mean? that was a bad goal. did I do it? who knows?
2. Snack on fruit and veggies, not junk this i was good at in spurts...but not 100%
3. Exercise AT LEAST 3 days a week i would say I did this 85% of the weeks...not too bad i guess
4. PR on my ½ marathon time DONE! had another 7 minute PR at Urban Cow, new time to beat is 2:53!
5. Get to my goal weight (160lbs) nope...still fighting that battle. have not gained at all though, which is a plus
6. Pay off 2 credit cards (Golden 1 and Discover) yes and no...paid them off but then consolidated husband's debt onto discover because of it's lower rate
7. Put AT LEAST $50/month in savings did this, but had a few home issues that ate into it, but at least it was there
8. Not leave school until I have the next day planned, copies ran and papers
graded i really tried to be better, i would say 75% of the time
9. Be more outgoing/social/extroverted nope, still same old introverted me
10. Have AT LEAST 1 date night/month or more...we spent WAY too much money on eating out and other adventures this year, but that is what our new budget is for!

So there it is, my 2011 goals and outcomes. How did I do? Eh. Can I do better? Yes! My next post will be a 2012 goals post that has a few more measurable goals and lays them out with timelines instead of just "sometime in 2012". I read a blog recently where the author mentioned that New Years resolutions often get broken because they are un-attainable or have no set time goal. She suggested making numerous smaller goals throughout the year which can improve chances of success. I am all about success, so I am taking her advice! Until next time!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Update on Life

I am a really bad blogger...not that many people read this thing...but in case anyone is still out there, here is a little update :D

In September I started my job at Lodi High school. It was a rough few months looking for a new job, but I found one and I really love it there! The staff is all so nice and the administration is very supportive and helpful and I really feel at home there. The commute is a bit tiresome, but it isn't the worst in the world I am sure. I really hope that they are able to keep me on for next year. I finally feel like I am in a place where I belong. The students are great for the most part and I finally feel like I am "getting it". They say it takes up to 5 years to master the art of teaching and this is only year 3 for me, so it can only get better!

Our new house is treating us okay...we have had a few "joys of home ownership" moments these past few months (our heater is currently not working...) but it is our home and we love it! Our menagerie is doing well; this month we celebrate 1 year since we brought home our pup, Jenny. Awww. We love her!

Matt and I have both kept up with our running in SacFit and he recently completed his first marathon! I am so proud of him! He did so great and is planning on number 2 next year! I PR'd in October at Urban Cow; another 7 minute PR! On to the next! :D SacFit starts up again soon and I cannot wait because December has been my laziest month yet! I dread getting on the scale! My focus on weight loss has waned and I have been very bad with my exercise and been eating some bad stuff. I hate to be one of "those people" but January 1st is the day for me to get back on the horse so to speak and get these last 10 lbs gone! I know I can do it I just need to try harder! I am thinking of training for a November marathon so I need to be at my "racing weight" before then! LOL

That is basically my life in a nutshell for the past few months. I am pretty boring! I am going to try to be a little more on top of this thing! I promise! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!