Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, July 29, 2012

23 weeks!!!

23 weeks! Time is flying and my bump has grown exponentially! I was in a wedding yesterday and luckily the dress still fit! :D

PICS: This is me at 23 weeks, I did not want to get dressed this morning. Got home this morning at 12:30am!

How far along: 23 weeks. Getting closer and closer!

How big is baby:
 The size of a grapefruit. Her face is fully formed and she can listen to voices and sounds!

Total weight gain: No clue. Have a dr. appt. on August 8th, so we shall see. My guess is 15lbs, but could be more!

Sleep: Really good. Minor annoyances like some back pain, but I am not super uncomfortable (yet!)

Maternity Clothes: Hit paydirt last week and got a ton of good stuff from a friend! Work starts back tomorrow so I am back to looking at least semi-professional on a daily basis.

Best moment of the week: Jenn and Mateo's wedding last night! I was a bridesmaid and had a blast! I danced so much that my abs hurt! Baby girl got her groove on with mama!

Food cravings : Food in general...I am getting close to the always hungry stage.

Food aversions:
 None really. I like to eat everything! :D

Symptoms: Random aches and pains. I can't do the things I used to without paying for it later! Warm baths are my friend!

: Finally felt her kick me and saw my belly move from the outside! It was weird! Matt still hasn't felt her, she is stubborn like her mama!

Sex: Girl! Rosalee Joyce!

What I’m looking forward to: Next week's dr. appt! We are going to record her heartbeat so grandma can hear it!

What I miss: Being active without being sore all day long afterwards!

Next appt:
 August 8th

Sunday, July 22, 2012

22 weeks

PICS: This is me at 22 weeks exactly. My baby bump is getting outta control! When I look at myself in the mirror it is surreal! I know it will just keep getting bigger, and I am amazed by it for sure!

How far along: 22 weeks. 

How big is baby:
 The size of a papaya. She is now sleeping in cycles, about 12-14 hours per day!

Total weight gain: Not sure right now. My guess is 12lbs give or take a few.

Sleep: Same as usual. I sleep pretty well, a few nighttime bathroom trips and a bit of an achy back, but nothing horrible.

Maternity Clothes: A friend of mine let me go through her old maternity stuff yesterday and I scored! Got a few more bottoms and some tops that I can wear to work! This is awesome considering work starts again in a week and I really only had 2 outfits I could wear before she let me peruse her stuff! 

Best moment of the week: Seeing her again on Monday during our follow-up u/s! She was super wiggly again and the tech said she had quite the personality! LOL She is a healthy girl!

Food cravings : Sweet things, the other night I just had to have chocolate pop tarts...good thing we had a stash leftover from camping!

Food aversions: None really. I like to eat everything! :D

Symptoms: Heartburn has started :C It hasn't been too bad, but there have been a couple nights where tums were a necessity! My belly is getting bigger and changing my center of gravity as it feels heavier than it even did last week.

: More and more each day. There was a day last week she barely moved at all and I was freaked out, but the next day she was a super wiggle worm! Still can't feel outside movement, but hopefully soon! Matt really wants to feel her kick!

Sex: Girl! Rosalee Joyce Hill :D

What I’m looking forward to: Ordering her room furniture and having her room all set up and decorated and ready to go! I will post pics when it is all done!

What I miss: Enjoying a cold beer while eating BBQ. 

Next appt: August 8th for my 1 hour glucose test and regular OB appt.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

21 weeks

Woohoo! Over halfway there! Not by much, but it has gone by way fast!

PICS: This is me at 21 weeks exactly. I feel like while I was gone camping last week I "popped". My bump is way more apparent now and I look more and more pregnant everyday. Pretty exciting!
How far along: 21 weeks. Over halfway there!

How big is baby:
 The size of a pomegranate. She is manufacturing meconium (eeww) and she already has a lifetime supply of eggs in her womb!

Total weight gain: They did not weigh me during my Thursday appointment, so I have no clue. If my bathroom scale is right I have gained at least 2 more pounds, for a total of 9. Have to wait and see at my next appt.

Sleep: I have been sleeping pretty well actually. A few nighttime trips to the bathroom and some back pain, but not too bad so far.

Maternity Clothes: Still just bottoms. I am going to take a trip to EcoThrift this week and try to find some of those flowy cotton skirts with the elastic waists and maybe some more work appropriate clothes.

Best moment of the week: Finding out that Little Hill is a girl! We had our anatomy scan on Thursday and got to see her wiggling around in there! She is super active and the tech had a hard time getting some of the measurements she needed!

Food cravings : Nothing weird yet. 

Food aversions: None really. I like to eat everything! :D

Symptoms: I cannot run/walk 5 miles like I used to without being super sore for the rest of the day! Had SacFit yesterday and limped around like an old lady the rest of the day!

: More than last week, but still only every once in awhile. Considering how wiggly she was during the u/s I hope I can feel her regularly soon!

Sex: Girl! Rosalee Joyce Hill :D

What I’m looking forward to: Feeling more movements this week. Doc said week 21 can be the magical week...we shall see. I also really want Matt to feel her, but she isn't quite strong enough yet.

What I miss: Exercising without hurting the rest of the day!

Next appt: Follow up u/s on Monday to recheck a few measurements since she was so wiggly on Thursday!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Little Hill is a....

GIRL! We had our 20 week ultrasound today and we got to see our little squirmy baby! Tech had a hard time getting measurements because she was so wiggly! That's my girl! :D My husband is super excited as he really wanted a girl and I am happy that she is healthy and active!

Here's the pic I used for my facebook reveal! The onesie says "daddy's little princess", so cute!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

20 weeks! Halfway there!

This update is a day early because we are leaving for camping today! Woohoo! 4 days in Fort Bragg!

PICS: This is me at 19w6d ready to go camping! I look less pregnant this week than last week. Weird. I think the clothes I wear determine how my bump will look, that and the time of day. So ready for a 4 days vacay in the cool weather in Fort Bragg!

How far along: 20 weeks. Halfway there! Seems so crazy to be halfway done!

How big is baby:
 The size of a banana. He/she has working taste buds and weighs about 10 ounces!

Total weight gain: 
As of my last appointment, 7lbs. My home scale isn't too accurate, so I will have to see if I have gained anymore at my appointment on Thursday.

Same as last week. Tossing and turning a lot during the night and my back hurts when I wake up. 

Maternity Clothes: 
So far just bottoms. I am going to need some work clothes once school starts again (July 30th). Hope I can find them at my fave thrift store! 

Best moment of the week: 
I went to my parent's house to visit my grandpa on Tuesday and he asked me how being an incubator was going. Made me laugh! :D

Food cravings : 
None really. I like sweet stuff but I always do, so nothing new.

Food aversions:
 None really. I like to eat everything! :D

My back has started hurting a bit more these days and baby has been moving around more. Nothing too horrible really.

: Still feeling flutters every once in a while. Nothing regular yet. Hopefully soon!

Sex: Will find out on Thursday as long as baby cooperates!

What I’m looking forward to: 
July 12th! :D Can't wait to see Little Hill on the ultrasound again and make sure he/she is healthy and find out if it's an Elias or Rosalee!

What I miss: 
Wearing my normal clothes. I have very few choices these days and miss my regular jeans.

Next appt:
 July 12th

Sunday, July 1, 2012

19 week update!

Matt said I needed to update my blog more often, so I stole this idea from another blogger and I plan to do an update every week from now on with a pic and some fun info. Hope you like it!

PICS: This is me at 18w6d all ready for a day in San Fran for a friend's bridal shower!

How far along: 19 weeks.

How big is baby:
 The size of a mango. He/she is working on her five senses. Nerve cells for his/her sense of taste, hearing, sight and smell are developing in his/her brain.

Total weight gain: 
A total of  approximately 7 pounds from the start of the pregnancy. (179lbs now)

I am sleeping ok. I have a few more aches and pains and my arms get sore, so I toss and turn a lot. I have to get up 1-2 times a night to pee, but that's to be expected since I am drinking tons of water!

Maternity Clothes: 
I have maternity bottoms that I am wearing pretty regularly. I have gotten all of them at my favorite thrift store, Eco Thrift. I have gotten some awesome deals there! My awesome mommy also bought me a bellaband so I can wear my regular bottoms too. So far my regular shirts still fit, at least the longer ones. Elastic waist pants are so comfortable! Love them!

Best moment of the week: 
Had a dr's appointment this last Friday (6/29) and we heard Little Hill's heartbeat! So awesome! :D I am right on track growth-wise and can't wait until my ultrasound on July 12th!

Food cravings : 
I don't really have any cravings, per se. I like to eat ice cream alot, but I always like ice cream! I think I am just using being preggo as an excuse to eat it more often! :D

Food aversions:
 None really. I like to eat everything! :D

None really at all. I sometimes get heartburn and have an upset tummy, but nothing too severe. I am more tired than usual, but nothing that effects my life too much. Naps are my friend.

: Since week 17 (on my 2nd anniversary!) I have felt "flutters". Feels like baby is rolling around inside me. So cool! It isn't regular at this time and seems to happen most often after I eat and when relaxing on the couch. Sometimes in the car too. Can't wait until it's regular movement and Matt can feel it!

Don't know yet. I have a feeling it's a boy and chinese gender chart says boy, but we shall see on 7/12!

What I’m looking forward to: 
July 12th! :D Can't wait to see Little Hill on the ultrasound again and make sure he/she is healthy and find out if it's an Elias or Rosalee!

What I miss: 
Wine. I love wine. I want a glass (read: bottle) of wine SO bad! 

Next appt:
 July 12th