1 more week until my 3rd trimester! I cannot believe it!
PICS: This is me at 27 weeks.
How far along: 27 weeks. 1 more week until 3rd tri!
How big is baby: The size of a rutabaga. She is practicing breathing and may start to get the hiccups! Her brain is starting to show activity and she can feel my emotions.
Total weight gain: 14lbs as of my last appointment. No clue if I've gained anymore.
Sleep: My back is starting to hurt more and more. Might have to invest in a good maternity pillow soon.
Maternity Clothes: Same stuff. Nothing new and exciting. I am getting tired of wearing the same thing all the time.
Best moment of the week: On Monday we got to see baby girl again during our recheck ultrasound! She was super wiggly as usual and doc said she is 2lbs 6oz and I am measuring slightly ahead.
Exercise: 7.5 miles walking. 1.5 miles on the dreadmill on Wednesday with some bicep curls and 6 miles on Saturday with SacFit. Going to try at least 3 days this week.
Symptoms: Heartburn is rearing it's ugly head again...ugh...but other than that I am good to go.
Movement: More and more each day. My belly moves like an alien is going to pop out!
Sex: Girl! Rosalee Joyce!
What I’m looking forward to: Getting her nursery all finished! We are almost there.
What I miss: Having zero back pain. It's not horrible, but it's annoying.
Next appt: Tuesday September 4th or 11th...can't remember.