Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Rosalee's first 6 months in pictures!

It took me 6 months to write my birth story and another month to get my booty in gear for this post! I have taken so many pictures of little miss these last 7 months! She is not always the most photogenic baby as she usually smiles right before you get out the camera and then proceeds to put on her "serious baby" face. LOL. Anywho, here is a glimpse at the many faces of Rosalee for the first 6 months!


First family pic

Ready to go home! 1 day old!

First car ride to the dr!

First stroller ride

6 days old

First bath!

1 week old

2 weeks old in my favorite outfit!

First Christmas!

First Christmas family pic!

6 weeks old

2 months!

9 weeks in her minnie mouse outfit!

3 months!

First Valentine's Day

4 months old on St. Paddy's day

5 months with a grin!

First Easter family pic with Jenn too!

First Easter Bunny!

I found my toes mom!

6 months old! 1/2 a year!