Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, October 28, 2012

36 weeks!

36 weeks! 1 more week until she is considered full term!

PICS:  This is me at 36 weeks.

How far along: 36 weeks! Next week she will be considered "full term". This could happen any time now! Ahhh!

How big is baby:
 The size of a honeydew. Her liver and kidneys are fully functioning and she is thisclose to breathing on her own. She was measuring at 6lbs 13oz at my ultrasound on Wednesday! Big girl!

Total weight gain: 27ish pounds. I weighed myself at the veterinary hospital and was very sad....but she is gaining weight like crazy, so that's a good thing. 

Sleep: Lots of tossing and turning to get comfortable, but still sleeping. So thankful that I have been able to sleep well this whole pregnancy!

Maternity Clothes: Same old, same old. 

Best moment of the week: We got to see baby girl at our ultrasound appointment on Wednesday and found out that the cyst on her spleen isn't any bigger and will not cause her any problems when she is born! Such good news! They also guessed her weight and she is a BIG girl already!

Exercise: Nada. I feel lame, but walking hurts my back. I take Jenny on short walks, but that's it. I think all the walking I do in my classroom should count at this point!

Symptoms: My back still hurts...getting up from sitting on the couch is painful, tossing and turning in bed is painful, walking around in general is getting painful...must be near the end!

Movement: She has slowed down a bit, probably because she is all cramped up in there. She is most active when I drive. She rolls around like crazy!

Sex: Girl! Rosalee Joyce!

What I’m looking forward to: I have a doctor's appt on Thursday, so I will get to hear her heartbeat, get measured and possibly see if I am making any progress towards labor!

What I miss: Not walking like an old lady...being able to do normal everyday activities without being in pain...I want my old body back!

Next appt: Thursday and every Thursday after that til she is born!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

35 weeks!

35 weeks with 35 days left! Magic numbers here people!

PICS:  This is me at 35 weeks.

How far along: 35 weeks! Kinda freaking out cause this could happen anytime now!

How big is baby:
 The size of a coconut. Her hearing is fully developed and she will put on about another pound of fat before birth!

Total weight gain: 20-24lbs I am guessing. Haven't been near a scale in awhile and honestly I don't care. Most people say I don't even look pregnant from the back. I am ALL belly!

Sleep: Getting sleep still. Thank goodness. Minor aches and pains and lots of tossing and turning, but its happening. 

Maternity Clothes: Some of my shirts are too short now! Belly is getting bigger!

Best moment of the week: My brother got married yesterday! Not baby related, but it was good to see all of my family and be there for my little bro as he married a great woman!

Exercise: Nada. Walking makes me feel like a 90 year old woman...

Symptoms: My back....ugh...getting from sitting to standing hurts...walking is getting painful...oh, and my wonderful acid reflux is back...tums are my friend!

Movement: She is crazy wiggly as usual. Running out of room, so she does lots of flips and pushing up against my ribs with what I am assuming is her butt. She also kicks me in my side when I lie down to go to sleep at night!

Sex: Girl! Rosalee Joyce!

What I’m looking forward to: Our u/s appointment on Wednesday! So excited to see baby girl again and see how big she might be!

What I miss: Drinking at weddings...being the preggo DD at my bro's wedding last night was disappointing...though there is a good reason so I'll get over it.

Next appt: Wed is our u/s appt, thurs the 1st is the next regular one 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

34 weeks!

34 weeks! Only 6 weeks left! This is getting a little scary...and exciting!

PICS:  This is me at 34 weeks. Wearing my lazy Sunday clothes :D

 How far along: 34 weeks! Only 3 weeks til she's considered full term!

How big is baby:
 The size of a butternut squash.She weighs between 4 & 6 lbs! She can recognize and react to singing now. Gotta start practicing my lullabies!

Total weight gain: 20-24lbs according to the scale at the vet. Started at 174 and am somewhere between 194 and 198 now, depending on the day and time I weigh in. Hoping to keep it under 30 total...we shall see.

Sleep: Getting more and more uncomfortable. I am still sleeping, but I roll over a lot and have to adjust many times during the night.

Maternity Clothes: Same old, same old. I am so ready to get back into regular clothes!

Best moment of the week: Thursday was our last baby class. It was the newborn care class and we learned a lot! Feeling a but more prepared, but I know it all changes when the baby is real and not a fake one that doesn't move or cry!

Exercise: Nada. I slept in yesterday instead of going to SacFit and it felt good. I did take Jenny on a few walks a day, but they are short ones.

Symptoms: My back still hurts...sitting down for extended periods of time is killer! Friday after work I took a warm bubble bath which made me feel better.

Movement: She is still as wiggly as ever. I can tell she is getting more and more cramped. Her movements are starting to be uncomfortable for me. During our class Thursday she spent some time up in my ribs and it was rather annoying.

Sex: Girl! Rosalee Joyce!

What I’m looking forward to: Our next u/s appt on the 23rd! Can't wait to see baby girl again and hopefully her little cyst is gone!

What I miss: Being able to paint my wonderful hubby did it for me today cause I couldn't bend down that far for that long. He is the best!

Next appt: Wed the 23rd is our next u/s and Thurs Nov 2nd is my next regular appt.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

33 weeks!

33 weeks! Only 7 weeks left!

PICS:  This is me at 33 weeks after walking a 5k this morning. Baby Rosalee's 5th race!

How far along: 33 weeks!

How big is baby:
 The size of a durian fruit, those stinky things from indonesia! LOL! She is keeping her eyes open when awake and her bones are hardening!

Total weight gain: 19lbs according to the dr. scale on Thursday. Started at 174 and am at 193 now.

Sleep: Still ok on the sleep front. My back aches if I lay in bed too long, so no more sleeping in for me!

Maternity Clothes: Same old, same old. I am so ready to get back into regular clothes!

Best moment of the week: Hearing baby girls heartbeat on Thursday and having her kick my belly while the dr. had the doppler on it! It was pretty funny!

Exercise: 3.1 miles today! Urban Cow 5k!

Symptoms: My back hurts...waaaa....I feel like a 90 year old woman when I get up from the couch...

Movement: She is my wiggly worm! It is so crazy to watch my belly move, especially now that she is getting bigger! It's like an alien in there!

Sex: Girl! Rosalee Joyce!

What I’m looking forward to: Getting all of our baby stuff organized and put in its rightful place...our house is a mess! Luckily I have 1 more week off from work, so I just have to get my butt in gear!

What I miss: Not walking like a 90 year old woman...

Next appt: Monday and Thursday we have classes (breatsfeeding and newborn care) and our next u/s is on Wednesday the 24th! Next regular dr appt is Nov 2nd.

Monday, October 1, 2012

32 weeks

32 weeks! 2 more months! This is getting REAL!

PICS: Will add pics later...forgot to take some yesterday...

This is me at 32 weeks and 4 days at Apple Hill.

 How far along: 32 weeks!

How big is baby:
 The size of a squash. She is getting cramped and probably head-down in preparation for birth.

Total weight gain: My guess is 19-20 lbs. I have a dr. appt on Thursday morning, so we shall see then.

Sleep: Sleep is still happening, thank goodness. My back does hurt more so I have to toss and turn to stay comfy and I am getting up more and more to use the bathroom. Oh the joys of impending birth...

Maternity Clothes: Same clothes, nothing new. 

Best moment of the week: We did our late pregnancy class and hospital tour on Tuesday...scary because it is getting so close! Also, had my baby shower on Saturday! We were showered with love and received more gifts than I could have ever imagined! I feel so lucky!

Exercise: 4 miles with Jenny on Saturday.

Symptoms: More aches and pains in my lower back. Getting up from sitting positions is getting more difficult.

Movement: She is super wiggly as usual. She may be cramped in there, but she still finds ways to move!

Sex: Girl! Rosalee Joyce!

What I’m looking forward to: Having the next 2 weeks off! Planning to get the nursery done and clothes washed and put away and everything organized!

What I miss: Laying down without my back hurting.

Next appt: Thursday!